Saturday, 8 January 2011

My best friend

I'm pretty curious of how this will turn out in the end. I just wanted to say, nothing of what I've written in this challenge has been thought-through from before, I come up with the next thing to write whilst I am writing, so pardon me if it becomes slightly confusing.

"People are like stained glass windows.  They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

My best friend... I really dislike the label and have tried to avoid is as well as I have been able to in my life. When I was younger I used the term a lot. I have been told I had a best friend called Celine in kindergarden, I can't say I remember her that well. Then I had another one called Nicklas. Then it was Andrea. Then I was a member of a "fantastic four" for almost three years in primary school, with yet another, one year older, best friend on the side. (Sounds like a dish doesn't it?)

After that, I would like to say, I stopped with the labelling. If something, I would distinguish friends from other friends through calling some of them "true friends".

I think that term is more fitting. A best friend seems like something only aimed for one person at a time. True friends are those who will just be there for you, and that is what matters, it has nothing to do with competition, which makes it possible for more friends to fill the spots. Does that make sense?
  I don't have a general definition of what exactly a best friend is, nor what qualities they would have to have. All I know is that, one should;
  • Be able to show all emotions possible to them. Laugh, cry, yell.
  • Be able to keep silent with them without feeling awkward about it
  • Be able to tell anything to them without
- having to fear feeling stupid or silly.

- having to fear they will turn their backs on you for it, as they will rather stand by your side and fight / help you get through whatever crazy stuff you're going through, than abandon you for it.

- having to fear they will pass on your secrets, as they will respect your wishes.
 “The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.”

Best Friend - the Drums

Today, I do believe I have a few true friends. They seem pretty solid to me at least. True friends are worth the effort of keeping, and I appreciate mine very much. So thank you for sticking around!

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