Friday, 24 August 2012

The Trench Coat

So, today I bought a trench coat at Zara and I absolutely loved it from the moment I saw it! Hopefully our love affair will last a looong long time before my usual clumsy self kicks in and ruins it all! I've been wanting one for ages now and even though I have yet to see "Breakfast At Tiffany's" (and trust me, I will), Audrey Hepburn has been my one and only inspiration. She sure was a classy lady that one! Now I'm off to watch my new plaguing addiction "The Vampire Diaries" which I actually began watching to soothe my anarchist nerves. They've been seemingly uncontrollable lately in face of my move to Scotland. Arrivederci!

This picture makes me happy!


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Midnight philosopher

I am so stressed out it's not even funny. My life feels like a centrifuge and I feel like a small white tissue being tossed around among bigger, more durable and experienced clothing. What soothes me is that I know that somewhere down the line I will be clean and fresh, I will be warm and dry and I will be ready to face the day but the process is putting my endurance to the test and I can actually feel it physically.

I know that I put myself in this position, but I cannot help to wonder whether my life is steering me or if I am steering my life? I guess, in life, you have to do a bit of both, steer and be steered, or you will miss some of the wonders it brings.

But the question is how.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Can't Buy Me Love

Okay, this movie is so cute, can't believe I haven't seen it before. They really knew how to make them movies in the 80s... Shan't complain though, saw the last Batman movie at the cinema a couple of days ago and it sure as hell was worth every crown (though I must say the cinemas are making us pay outrageous amounts of money these days). Still miss the Joker though, R.I.P Heath Ledger, a hell of an actor!

I'll let you have the song too, it makes me want to dance! I'm not sure that says a lot though, everything seems to make me want to dance these days! Which reminds me, having a vodka redbull with 99% vodka and the remaining part redbull is so not a good deal! I should shoot the bartender we ordered from yesterday - the only thing that's stopping me is that where I live it's a miracle if you get more alcohol than you ordered, you almost always get less so I guess you could say he was being generous...

Can't Buy Me Love - The Beatles
