Friday, 27 April 2012

“You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.” Pt. 2

As a result of being too slow to decide - and deciding is horrible - I am currently house bound and thought I'd tell you about my yesterday evening/night instead of creating dashing new memories tonight. As the very lazy person I can be, I thought I'd try and wrap it all up in pictures instead of words.

... And it was very scary to sign it, my very first contract! (I don't count the employment contracts since they're a bit different)

... And this would be the building from the outside. I'd put up a picture of the room layout but it ain't available for common mortals like us. And then of course there was the looong, 9 page contract I had to read through, whereupon this made me giggle as the agnostic I am.

I guess it seems I really am leaving in about 4 months.
Inhale, exhale.


Monday, 23 April 2012

Soy un golpe en la rodilla que se cura con el frío

Too bad people who don't speak Spanish probably won't get this, but Calle 13 is truly brilliant with words, he makes me feel inferior, haha. This is a great song by the way, it brings up the issue of street children. And the line I've used as a title for this post is my favourite one. It means "I'm a blow on the knee that is cured by the cold". Not too sure of why I got stuck at the phrase, but it just feels like it catches everything the artists want to mediate to the listener.

Cancion Para Un Niño En La Calle - Mercedes Sosa feat. Calle 13

Todo lo toxico de mi país a mi me entra por la nariz
Lavo autos, limpio zapatos, huelo pega y también huelo paco
Robo billeteras pero soy buena gente soy una sonrisa sin dientes
Lluvia sin techo, uña con tierra, soy lo que sobro de la guerra
Un estomago vacío, soy un golpe en la rodilla que se cura con el frío
El mejor guía turístico del arrabal por tres pesos te paseo por la capital
No necesito visa pa volar por el redondel porque yo juego con aviones de papel
Arroz con piedra, fango con vino, y lo que me falta me lo imagino.

Cuando cae la noche duermo despierto, un ojo cerrado y el otro abierto
Por si los tigres me escupen un balazo mi vida es como un circo 
pero sin payaso
Voy caminando por la zanja haciendo malabares con 5 naranjas
Pidiendo plata a todos los que pueda en una bicicleta en una sola rueda
Soy oxigeno para este continente, soy lo que descuido el presidente
No te asustes si tengo mal aliento, si me ves sin camisa con las tetillas al viento
Yo soy un elemento mas del paisaje los residuos de la calle son mi camuflaje
Como algo que existe que parece de mentira, algo sin vida pero que respira