Thursday, 20 December 2012


There's something seriously wrong with a person stealing a jacket, in the middle of the frigging cold winter, with no value except that it's warm... I really hope it serves that person well, and that it was well-needed, rather than something retrieved just in the "heat" of the moment.

Men are respectable only as they respect
- R. W. Emerson

Friday, 14 December 2012

Svensk Christmas i Glasgow

Lusseverkstad med söta små nissar

Inte så lussiga lussebullar... vad hände egentligen med all saffran?!

Pojkarna i Mario-Kart turnering

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The taste of iron

In the sullen and damp,
Urban, muddy and grey
there is no more than death
of a shimmery tale

With a shivering hand
remove layers of pale
And the parting with life
When this girl is for sale

Where the bridges have burnt
Leaving jacks in her skin
And there's not much to lose
But there's nothing to win

There's a sign in the night
She has already left
And , taking her life
Is no longer a theft

So she parts on a train
Weary, quivering, cold
But yet - she wakes sweaty,
And nauseous with pain

And the blood from her nose
It has dried on her lip
With that bitter, grim taste
Eager hands on her hip

She remains where she is
No more trips to afford
She's a doll to the world
To be used,
when man
is bored.

- Litage 

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Smoking cigars and yelling at cars as they drive by

July - Youth Lagoon

Explosions pillaging the night 
From the fireworks on the fourth of July 
It's just my lady, our friends, and I 
Smoking cigars and yelling at cars as they drive by

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas !!!

How I wish it were snowing here as well! I've spoken to a few Swedes, and apparently both Stockholm and Uppsala are covered in snow. I want it too, just look how pretty my university's main building is in snow!
My own little Hogwarts! <3

Christmas At Hogwarts - John Williams

Sunday, 25 November 2012

High for this

It's been a little crazy... This weekend has been a little crazy, but now it's time to get this shit going.
Library, reserve a nice spot for me!

High For This - The Weeknd


Saturday, 24 November 2012

Setting fires to our insides for fun

Youth - Daughter

Tip from a great friend. Too good!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Just a little piece of myself...

I haven't written in ages. Like, really written. I'm not a diary person, but I do write. Texts in their many different beautiful forms... I typically write "poetry" if we were to give it a definition, but to me they're just my own personal approaches to understanding myself, my surroundings and all these events that cripple or lift us up in life. And of course, those who left us seemingly unchanged. And I have to write, because without it I choke on my own thoughts, it's like trying to hold your breath for too long - you get dizzy and generally light-headed, which is rather unpleasant. So in a way, my texts are like excerpts from a diary, only, in a little more crypted, personalised form. The same goes for music  - what am I without it? Who would I be?

I'm going through a phase of many feelings, many changes and many opportunities. I am also going through a phase which has left me a little numbed, because of all of these feelings, but some things haunt us, and some things positively surprise us - those are the things I particularly notice right now. And then there's the music. Music always moves me. A few days ago I came across this song. We've crossed paths before, but like with so many songs, there's times you hear, and times you really listen to them. And this time I listened, and I heard what I mean. I heard so much of what I am right now... That is usually the content of this blog. For the one who has read this expecting a conclusion or a point to be made, I am sorry to say, I have yet to figure that one out myself. But for someone who might have tried to understand me, or for people who are a bit crooked, trying to, like me, understand and discover themselves -  the things that matter to me have become clearer lately.

It feels like, in this numbed, blurred vision I've had, I've been able to distinguish some contrasts lately, the things that are worth it, and the things that are not. And, as with focused pictures, us humans have a tendency to try and figure out the blurred areas, the desire to know the unknown. Well, to hell with that. In time, our visions might adjust - they might not, but the blurred areas have started to get uninteresting to me lately. All those things, not to mention all those people, we are trying to understand - they will either come out of the shades or remain unfocused. As long as they remain undecided, however, I will lay my attention on the distinguished pieces in the frame. There's just so much to learn from what you already have a picture of, because being able to see something clearly doesn't necessarily mean that you understand it.

I guess, what I'm trying to say is that I've realised that too much time is spent  investigating and dissecting what does not wish to be understood, and too little time is spent developing the things that you already think you have - too little time is spent on the things that, when you put some effort into them, could really flourish into something no picture in the world could match. Basically; do not let fear of or frustration caused by the unknown restrict you from dicovering the possible. Greed gives little back.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

I have not seen the light for days

So christmasy & cosy! The Opening act for Bon Iver, really magical to hear them sing acapella together. (And yes, I am still living off that moment, as you can see from my last posts. Enjoy!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Oh no, not another crappy phone upload... :)

For them who wanted to know what my open mic sounded like.. or at least ish. Still bad camera sound and not really brushed up version, I know. But it was requested so I thought I might as well put it up here as well. I apologise for any comparisons with THE Bon Iver though, it is not at all the same caliber, but then again, they are THE Bon Iver...

Cuenta me de tu vida

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Bon Iver

I died. His voice is perfection. The band is awkward perfection. I died.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Bon Iver

Towers - Bon Iver

This video makes me so jealous in a sense. I really want to be there. I really want to walk around like that in pure nature. I've been looking at some tickets to the highlands. Think I might do it sooner than later. Or maybe after Christmas. It's one of those things that I just need to do, to cleanse my soul a little, it gets so filthy in the city mud. Normally, back home, I'd have rather easy access to the north and I wouldn't replace it for the world. But I do need nature, nomatter where I am.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Friday, 21 September 2012

Mmmh.. what a lovely hangover.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Money Box - Eliza Doolittle (Jamie xx Remix)

Monday, 17 September 2012


One day of sickness, the first day of university, can do so much. I'm in full panic mode from having looked at the website to see what I've missed and am already considering dropping a course; English Literature, since there's so much reading to be done in so little time and I already have heavy subjects to deal with. We'll see how it all turns out though, right now my first priority should be to get some rest so that I can at least attend the second day at uni. Wish me luck!
First Love - Adele

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Induction & Learning & Yadayadayada

Another update with a ridiculously sparesome amount of words. I have now indulged in "Fresher's Week" and some of it's glories. There's still a whole load of things to learn, and all the more people to get to know but when you start feeling like you're in control of some of it it gets more and more comfortable. Tonight I felt like meeting people at home, in our common room so I went down there with a friend and after a fair bit of patience we actually started getting more people to come join and boy, was it good!

Sunday, 9 September 2012


I'm here! I made it! I don't really have much time to say anything, need to ready my room and myself a little before I go to the "Traffic Light Party". Anyways - weather's been good so far, it's not that cold out, I really like my room and my dorm mates seem really nice and friendly. So far so good!

Monday, 3 September 2012

This is love

This Is Love - Monsta feat. J. Boog

I'm going through a weird time, saying my goodbyes. Probably won't update much for a while, unless I feel like snapping a picture of my luggage when I'm finished packing and feel all awesome for having made it.
I'm going to let pictures speak for themselves now

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The art of appreciating is something that can only truly be learnt through separation

My Love - Sia

This song makes me think of all my regrets.
It's a beautiful song.

Monday, 27 August 2012

I don't need no doctor treating me

My Heart Goes Boom - Miss Li
I'm at my mom's running a few errands and generally just being here. We rented "Wuthering Heights" to honour the moment haha, yeap, mom and me, we share a mutual love for costume films! This particular one is based on the classic novel by Emily Brontë, and was awarded the prize for "Best photo" at the Venice International Film Festival so hopes are high, however, if it fails to reach expectations I do have crisps. Toudles!

Friday, 24 August 2012

The Trench Coat

So, today I bought a trench coat at Zara and I absolutely loved it from the moment I saw it! Hopefully our love affair will last a looong long time before my usual clumsy self kicks in and ruins it all! I've been wanting one for ages now and even though I have yet to see "Breakfast At Tiffany's" (and trust me, I will), Audrey Hepburn has been my one and only inspiration. She sure was a classy lady that one! Now I'm off to watch my new plaguing addiction "The Vampire Diaries" which I actually began watching to soothe my anarchist nerves. They've been seemingly uncontrollable lately in face of my move to Scotland. Arrivederci!

This picture makes me happy!


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Midnight philosopher

I am so stressed out it's not even funny. My life feels like a centrifuge and I feel like a small white tissue being tossed around among bigger, more durable and experienced clothing. What soothes me is that I know that somewhere down the line I will be clean and fresh, I will be warm and dry and I will be ready to face the day but the process is putting my endurance to the test and I can actually feel it physically.

I know that I put myself in this position, but I cannot help to wonder whether my life is steering me or if I am steering my life? I guess, in life, you have to do a bit of both, steer and be steered, or you will miss some of the wonders it brings.

But the question is how.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Can't Buy Me Love

Okay, this movie is so cute, can't believe I haven't seen it before. They really knew how to make them movies in the 80s... Shan't complain though, saw the last Batman movie at the cinema a couple of days ago and it sure as hell was worth every crown (though I must say the cinemas are making us pay outrageous amounts of money these days). Still miss the Joker though, R.I.P Heath Ledger, a hell of an actor!

I'll let you have the song too, it makes me want to dance! I'm not sure that says a lot though, everything seems to make me want to dance these days! Which reminds me, having a vodka redbull with 99% vodka and the remaining part redbull is so not a good deal! I should shoot the bartender we ordered from yesterday - the only thing that's stopping me is that where I live it's a miracle if you get more alcohol than you ordered, you almost always get less so I guess you could say he was being generous...

Can't Buy Me Love - The Beatles


Saturday, 18 August 2012

Plaza Los Dominicos

Parque Los Dominicos

Jag saknar att ligga på rygg i gräset på Plaza Los Dominicos 
med värkande avslappnade muskler och känna doften av 
dagg och kolla upp på himlen som verkade så otroligt nära 

och på något sätt tror jag att jag visste det redan då att det 
var det jag skulle sakna mest för det är tystnaden som 
berättar allt det där viktiga som bara ryms mellan raderna 
och i luften mellan orden och 
vakuum som uppstod i min tystnad i gräset i daggen som 
pressade svalt mot min varma hud kunde jag känna det 
avstånd som låg mellan mig och jorden därunder, den jord 
jag tillhör men som inte tillhör mig än och jag kunde se 
avståndet och tiden som skulle separera mig så snart och 
det bara snurrar, det bara snurrar och jag är så himla yr och 
jag vet nu eller jag börjar förstå att i den där tystnaden i 
gräset på Plaza Los Dominicos kunde jag finna lugnet, 
kanske för att stjärnorna var mig så nära intill eller kanske 
för att jag var rosig om kinderna och jag vet nu eller jag 
börjar förstå att jag funnit en vän där i gräset, en vän som 
håller mig hårt, stryker mig över ryggen och berättar för 
mig att allt kommer att bli bra igen, och det är okej, 


min vän är så långt bort nu och det är så jobbigt att vara 
stark ensam och jag tror att det var det jag visste när jag låg 
där i gräset och tårarna tyst men bestämt strömmade ned 
för mina varma kinder. 

 - Litage, 8/3-2012


Thursday, 16 August 2012

I'm up thinking about things, and I have a feeling this will happen quite a lot these coming weeks... Feeling is tricky, but prioritising time seems to be my greatest issue these days. It feels like I don't have enough time on my hands to do all the things I want to do, and even though I could probably tick some things off if I had a to do-list, I feel I haven't done them enough. I wish life wasn't limited by time, but then again that would probably not be true in  practice, because then actions and experiences would slowly loose their value. I think one of humanity's biggest quests is figuring out what we really want. That's where I'm at right now. What do I want? And if I actually do figure that one out, do I dare go after it?

Thinking about it that way makes me wonder if what's stopping me from learning what I really want is the fear of not daring to go that extra distance to get it once I know.


Wednesday, 15 August 2012


This is the evidence that blood is thick... Pure love

Thursday, 9 August 2012


I am in love with fighting movies, not sure why, I guess I got used to them when I was a kiddo and watched all the Rocky movies and the Karate Kid ones. Speaking of which, have you seen the "new" Karate Kid film that should actually be called Kung-Fu Kid? The Karate Kid story has always been great and I can sort of get why they wanted to make a remake of it, but please get the name right! Kids these days confuse the new Karate Kid with the old one and think that this is the original and it's not even  about karate!!!

Anyways, so I watched this movie "Warrior" yesterday and it got me thinking...
How come more guys aren't gay?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

I don't know if I have time to grow up right now,
I'm not done being a kid


Saturday, 4 August 2012


This is charming. Haha, I'm so losing this battle!

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Flawless Disney

This is such an amazing collaboration between the fairest porcelain voice and the most releaving band. Mumford & Sons  always have that "setting free", "flying leaf in the sun" kind of impact on me and this was just. It was good! Guess if I have the urge to watch this new little film pearl of Disney's!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Drooley toddlers...

... make everything seem a tad bit easier!


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Och varje ärr är kärlek till mitt liv

I've been thinking... actually no, scratch that! I've been sleep-walking... Really though, why the heck am I even trying to write? I'll just leave you with one of my simplest truths and a loveable song. I love parsley.

This song has a lovely text, I've always loved these lyrics, even back when I was a kiddo and barely understood the meaning of them.

Ännu Glöder Solen - Nordman


Monday, 9 July 2012

Atrevete, te, te! Salte del closet!

For every day that goes by, a   day   goes   by   which means I'm getting nearer and nearer my future. For the people out there reading this who don't know me this will, of course, not mean a thing. But to me, this is what this summer is about, and it is happening so incredibly fast and I'm only just realising that. For every day  that goes by, a day goes by. And it is freaky and scary yet exciting so I guess everything is in order. I've been working day and night for the past few weeks and I try to use every spare second of my time with friends and family but to be completely honest I think it might just be wearing me out a little - that will of course not stop me from doing it, because MAN  would I regret it if I did!

Prendete en fuego como un lighter!

Atrevete, te, te! - Calle 13

As if that weren't enough I'm currently on the pill which makes me nauseous for half an hour every time I pop it which is three times a day! I was at the doctor's the other day to examine something else and by chance I thought I'd ask briefly about a rash I have on the back of my thigh - which apparently is "Erythmea chronicum migrans" as the doc so kindly pointed out to a clueless me. It's an infection seen in the early stages of the Lyme disease which can turn out to be rather nasty if you let it spread out through your body. It makes me extra tired, but I'm happy I had it discovered early and that it is being treated.


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Jag har förlorat en tävling, men vunnit ett val

Jag Saknar Dig Mindre och Mindre - Melissa Horn

Friday, 29 June 2012

Me dicen que tu novia anda con un rifle porque te vio bailando mambo pa’ mi ¿Qué no lo permite?

Loca - Shakira feat. El Cata

I am in such a latina-mode right now, and this song is just so awesome. Shakira really knows how to write her lyrics sometimes; my favourite part is probably the title of this blog-post. If you don't know your Spanish, check it up!

Been dancing around to some salsa - this would be the "after" pic. It's crazy how much I love it (which I am suspecting might show on my self-satisfied face), and how much I want to learn to really master it! I might be signing up for some classes again soon, but it'll be Cuban salsa, Cuban style looks the best I think!


Bless The Broken Road - Rascal Flatts

Don't watch, just listen.


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

She doesn't mind

She Doesn't Mind - Sean Paul

Does she... ?

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Truth (?) from a tv-series

Robin: Guys are like the subway. You miss one, another comes along in five minutes.
Lily: Unless it's the end of the night, then you get on anything!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Girl show me heart

This is so cute, from the guy to the song to the place he's at.
Perfect for a low-key Sunday!

Only Love - Ben Howard

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Yo me voy pa la cumbia, que la cumbia esta sabrosa!

Yo Me Voy Pa' La Cumbia - Sergent Garcia

Eeexcellent song! Makes me want to swirl around the dance floor like a butterfly gone mad! And do you know what else makes me happy? Yesterday I really got to know what the idea of getting energy from others means. After work I felt sleep-deprived and exhausted but my friends came to the park and we went on a few rides and suddenly I wasn't on the verge of falling asleep anymore. As soon as we parted on our ways home I felt as though my body was made of lead! How lucky I feel to have friends like these!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Let love rule

Went to the Lenny Kravitz concert today at Gröna Lund. Haven't listened to him much, but now I know where all that fame came from. The man does not only have an amazing singing voice, awesome songs and a talented band. He had an incredible sex appeal, and it caught me totally off guard!

I know the quality of this video is only so-so picture-wise, but the music quality is great, I promise!

Let Love Rule - Lenny Kravitz

Now this is picante!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

We found love in a hopeless place

I miss these little things - 
the cutest, smartest, most beautiful siblings in the world.

Friday, 8 June 2012

A tribute to home

“You can decorate absence however you want- but you're still gonna feel what’s missing.” 
― Siobhan Vivian

I miss...

... exploring my roots....

...  exploring new foods...

... and drinks, of course...

... and I miss climbing new tops...

... to enjoy the amazing views...

... of the pacific ocean in the morning...

... and la cordillera at dusk.

I miss the sun...

... and learning new truths...

... broadening my perspective...

... I miss the cultural life.

But most importantly, I miss

the love,

the laughs,

and the 


of people,

my family.

I miss the national identity, and I miss the feeling of belonging.
