This one was difficult. I have had many different first loves, they have been the first in different ways. I guess that's where personal development can be traced. My first first love, well, I'm not sure what that would be, perhaps some toy or something.

My first recognisable love in life could be drama. I cannot count the years when drama was the most important source of joy in my life.
Mmh - mmh! Without acting I felt lost. It was only recently that I sort of let go of it, but I can imagine this being one of those kinds of love that will last
an eternity. One which will follow me in life whether I like it or not. In ways, everything I do can be connected to my passion for acting. I still enjoy the stage, but my love has changed shape somewhat.

My first love in terms of boys would probably be spelt Nick. He went to my paralell class from preschool up until 5th grade and he was very brave and mature for his age. Or, that was what I reckoned at least. The fact that we were friends despite our differences in gender
(which for the record showed to be a very huge problem for many of my friends those days) underlined it. He was dark blonde, had freckles and dark blue eyes. I thought he was cute. Now I've seen him a few times on the subway. He seems tougher than I remember. Usually wears a hoodie and all that.
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