Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Mi primer amor

This one was difficult. I have had many different first loves, they have been the first in different ways. I guess that's where personal development can be traced. My first first love, well, I'm not sure what that would be, perhaps some toy or something.

My first recognisable love in life could be drama. I cannot count the years when drama was the most important source of joy in my life. Mmh - mmh! Without acting I felt lost. It was only recently that I sort of let go of it, but I can imagine this being one of those kinds of love that will last an eternity. One which will follow me in life whether I like it or not. In ways, everything I do can be connected to my passion for acting. I still enjoy the stage, but my love has changed shape somewhat.

My first love in terms of boys would probably be spelt Nick. He went to my paralell class from preschool up until 5th grade and he was very brave and mature for his age. Or, that was what I reckoned at least. The fact that we were friends despite our differences in gender (which for the record showed to be a very huge problem for many of my friends those days) underlined it. He was dark blonde, had freckles and dark blue eyes. I thought he was cute. Now I've seen him a few times on the subway. He seems tougher than I remember. Usually wears a hoodie and all that.

About moi, I remain clueless

I'm not too sure of where to start.

I've spent a couple of weeks this year, trying to capture my persona in a "personal statement", that you send to UCAS when applying to British Universities, but what is it that really defines me as me?

About me.
According to the world wide web, my somewhat peculiar name means "light" or "hazelnut", whatever that would mean. People in my surroundings have thought nicknames such as "litage", "snow white", "the legs", "scrambles" and "moomin" suitable. Litage is the fusion of "sabotage" and the last two letters of my first name, sabotage referring to my clumsiness. My ex boyfriend called me scrambles, as he did not think me capable of formulating proper sentences. The rest have been remarks on my appearance. Not sure where that leaves me though.

Fix You - Coldplay

I think most people view me as a pretty carefree, happy person. I will not disagree with the latter. I prefer to stay positive. Thinking I am carefree to the point of ignorance of naivety would however be a mistake. I might, at times, come out as a "speaker" rather than a "listener", but in fact, it is quite the reverse. I prefer absorbing and analysing my surroundings. I actually tend to do just that to the point of madness. That is why I have always wanted to turn to creativity as a sort of refuge for my thoughts to thrive.

About me.

I am both Swedish and Chilean, but neither nationality defines me. It is never sufficient being "a half".

I do not believe in racism. Perhaps it's when I see racism expressed that my "latino temperament" shows. I dislike generalisations, especially in the same context as narrow-mindedness. We all generalise, whether we like it or not, but it is SO important to try to keep one's mind open. Perhaps, that could define me. Trying at least, to keep my mind open.

About me.
To finish off, I am an extremely shy person. Is that maybe a Swedish trait when generalising? Many people would however disagree with my being shy, apparently, it doesn't really show too much. That might be because I am also a quite impulsive person. When I see something I want to do, it can come as a very powerful chock, which I cannot refuse. Being shy has brought about a quote which has become a central one in my life.

"To dare is to lose your foothold for an instance.
Not to dare is to lose yourself"

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

I have hereby been challenged!

Jag har nu gått med på att delta i en bloggutmaning. Det går till att jag varje dag måste skriva ett inlägg som passar till en bestämd rubrik. Har har ni alla rubriker:

Dag 01 – About me
Dag 02 – My first love
Dag 03 – My parents
Dag 04 – This is what I ate today
Dag 05 – What is love? (Baby don't hurt me)
Dag 06 – My day
Dag 07 – My best friend
Dag 08 – One moment
Dag 09 – My faith
Dag 10 – Today's outfit
Dag 11 – My siblings
Dag 12 – In my purse
Dag 13 – This week
Dag 14 – Today's Outfit x 2
Dag 15 – My dreams
Dag 16 – My first kiss
Dag 17 – My favourite memory
Dag 18 – My favourite birthday
Dag 19 – My regrets
Dag 20 – This month
Dag 21 – Another moment
Dag 22 – This upsets me
Dag 23 – This makes me feel better
Dag 24 – This makes me cry
Dag 25 – A first
Dag 26 – My fears
Dag 27 – My favourite place
Dag 28 – I miss this
Dag 29 – My ambitions
Dag 30 – A final moment
Fett med skumt, jag vet, men tänkte det kanske kunde bli intressant. I have no clue of what information will be spread, men tänkte det var dags att lära känna mig själv.

PS! Jag utmanar härmed alla som törs anta utmaningen!