Friday, 31 May 2013

Welcome home

Welcome Home - Radical Face

I'm home. It's so weird. I've grown accustomed to all the little quirks tied to living in Glasgow - I want to thank my busdriver when I leave the bus, I want to step onto the first subway that rolls into the platform without checking where it's going (because in Glasgow there is only one direction per platform), I prepare for pain in my ears when about to cross the street because the street lights make high pitch noises when you can pass. I want to speak English with everyone I meet. I feel different. And it's not only because of these little quirky things I've gotten used to. No, it's because I feel more ready to take decisions that might affect my future in more and less pleasing ways. It all seems more clear to me - what I should prioritise or not. So all in all, Glasgow - it's been a good year, and now I'm home but I think that things might start to change now.

I can feel it - this little girl is growing up

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