Sunday 13 January 2013

Back in Glasgae

“I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. 
"No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. 
It's just that something happened to it along the way.”
 - A. A Milne

I've been a bit busy lately, meeting people I've missed back home and all that. I had a great Christmas and New Years also, it was all really warm and winter-welcoming the way that I think is very special for smaller places like Sweden. Oh well, nuff bout that. Thought I'd issue a wee dandy potpurri of what's been going on in dear old Glasgow since I came back a week ago.

Miss. I-can-never-take-serious-photos...

... And the scary lovely Glasgow-gang at the Bookclub...

... the new phone measuring capacity on the campus-grounds...

... proving itself worthy. The sunset really does look like a sunset, don't it?

Two freakishly handsome people that spice Glasgow up with good chit-chat...

... and the University's own brand of spice...

... and, finally, my own spice: A fun Chilean tv-series...

and the only meat-dish I now know how to conjure out of my ridiculous chef-hands.

And finally a rather cheesy song that I completely adore, since a few moments ago. Call me lovey dovey or whatever, but I'd actually really like to make a duet (guy/girl-style) out of this piece of marvel!

Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran


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