Thursday, 18 August 2011

"What is the exact function of a rubber duck?"

I don't actually have much to say now, but I can't seem to make myself fall asleep just yet, so just to clear my brains out, I guess I could tell you a few truths about this very moment.

Wish I'd had this book to read now, I should've bought it when I saw it in Glasgow earlier this year. I mean with a killer-title like this one, how could it be anything other than great reading?
  1. I am hungry, but I don't feel like anything in the fridge is all that appealing (don't you hate it when you develop immunity towards the insides of your refridgerator?)
  2. I always tell other people to read the manuals of stereos and such to be able to sleep as they are long and dull, but I've never actually done it myself.
  3. I refuse to follow my own advice (see point no.2).
  4. Still refusing.
  5. Yeah, see, I didn't really have anything to say this once.

Hope you're finding it easier to sleep than I am, if you have any good advice on how to lure your brain into sleep-mode feel free to share this valuable information.


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