Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Harmonious Lucia

I really love her voice (and music) it somehow manages to represent
all that I love about my Swedish heritage
My beloved North

 Frid på Jord - Sofia Karlsson

Lucia is a Swedish tradition I will never get tired of, and never let go of

Monday, 25 November 2013

I'll let you in on a little secret...

Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran

For once, the choice of song is completely unrelated to the topic of the post by the way...
they're usually so packed of content haha

We look ridiculous haha.. or well.. he does

Sunday, 17 November 2013


So I've realised something...

Young and Beautiful - Lana del Rey

How much this song matters to me... I should probably just listen to it when in doubt.
And yes. I am a retard. In some instances at least.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Saturday, 9 November 2013


Halloween was a good one. I'll be honest - it did have its ups and downs, but in the end I still had a very good time for the most of it. Especially when B was visiting - such a healthy distraction, I should always have friends over to visit me in this rainy country...
Guess who! :)

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Säg ingenting till mig

'Du håller ingens hand
du tror att alla skulle titta då 
men jag håller din ibland
för det är kallt nu och jag fryser så'

Säg Ingenting Till Mig - Melissa Horn

Vet inte hur uppenbart det är, men inom svensk musik är nog Melissa Horn top 3 för mig. 
Riktigt bra musik gör hon!

Saturday, 19 October 2013


So a bit over a month ago I went to this wonderful little Scottish Island called Isle of Skye. Okay, to be fair it wasn't all that small. Anyways, as I didn't have a phone or internet back then I never posted those pictures, but seeing as this place often serves as my personal memory bank, I thought I would do it now instead.

Beautiful Glencoe

View of the Skye bridge from Kyleakin 

Kyleakin map - the old Viking town & me looking like a poptart

A cute, yet angry, little dog who didn't seem to appreciate our company too much

The old Norweigian Viking princesses' castle and the remnants of a boat

Live musicians at Saucy Mary's performing Wagon Wheel and Wild Rover etc.

John being irritating 

John being persistent

Portree and the extended shoreline soon to be taken by the tide

John being irritating 0.2 and 0.3...

Portree harbour

Britishness exemplified by non-Brits...

Dunvegan Castle

My beloved new blue wellies

Dunvegan Castle from the other side of the moat

Our beautiful but ice cold camping slot

At the empty local pub with the cute old man... Not John, that is

Back at the camping with the Elephant clouds

Some beautiful tent-modelling

Proof that I'm trying different brands of Scotch Whiskey (ick!)

And the roadtripping...

The most beautiful island... Definitely worth it going back. I hope I will some day!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

For the love, comes the burning young

The past week

My thoughts on the current situation....

Trucker fucking fun

My beloved street

Friday, 27 September 2013

September Update

Life's taken a interesting turn...

Wish me luck!

PS. I was at the most satisfying concert last night. Very worth it! If I canae' get the real Bob - I can at least get the musicians who played with him and created the tunes I love so much! One love, the Wailers!

Jammin - Bob Marley & The Wailers

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Oh, the sound will bring me home again

East Harlem - Beirut

Just heard this song on Spotify and it makes me so happy! Haven't updated myself on my favourite artists' new albums and music... Maybe this is the right time.

Friday, 20 September 2013

I gotta get a move on fit for the sun

Things are looking out...

Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine Show

Monday, 26 August 2013

Glasgow 2.0

Hello again life.

I have now returned to my beautiful second city. Or if it is my first at the moment. I must say it has been quite a drastic change in temperature to return from a mostly sunny summer-Stockholm to a biting cold, at night, fall-Glasgow. In my new flat especially is the cold weather a very clear fact. I am hopping around in pyjama pants, ridiculously warm slippers and two to three anoraks every day, still freezing. Brr! Thank god for tea and good company! Speaking of my new flat, the temperature must be one of the very few, yet crucial, negatives in the apartment. All the rooms are soo beautiful and I have now managed to move most of the furniture into the right rooms. The negatives would be:

1. The cold
2. The stupidity (or general dumbness) of the electrician who's supposed to fix the smoke alarm in the room next to mine for not bringing a ladder (!!!) and not having returned when scheduled leaving me with no other choice than to not spend any nights in my own room. It's gone a whole week and still haven't tried it out!
3. The gas hob. They're so outdated and this one has no temperature regulator meaning that instead of having 1-6 on all the hotplates it has "On" and "Off". How on earth am I supposed to cook rice?! Or anything at all?! I am already a lousy chef!

But otherwise, as I said. I am completely in love with it.
I also have no laptop or mobile phone or internet but the plus side with having that exact flat is that I am only about 2 minutes away from the library which is where I'm currently located. Think it's time for me to hop on down to la casa though. My feet are getting cold and I want to jump into bed!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Tu no puedes comprar mi alegria

Dear Life,

Stockholm has been treating me pretty well since I ended work limiting most of my worries down to being able to meet all of my people enough before I leave. Time's running short and now I have a bare two weeks left before I arrive with explodingly full bags at the letting office to pick up the keys to my very first (though shared) flat. It'll be grand! My entire body is tingling with excitement and I have a feeling this year's gonna be great! But I will miss my family and friends a lot - some of whom I've grown even closer to during my relatively short stay back home - and as always when I leave a place I feel like there's not enough time. Life as a nomad is truly lovely, but it has it's high price.

Lots of love (and I mean it - I'm practically exploding myself),

Latinoamérica - Calle 13

Soy la sangre dentro de tus venas, soy un pedazo de tierra que vale la pena

Monday, 24 June 2013

Jag ska riva mina murar tills vi ser varann

Jag vet vem jag är när jag är hos dig - Melissa Horn

Midsommarhelgen <3

Thursday, 20 June 2013

The Beatles

Never quite seemed to fall in love with the Beatles like so many other music lovers, not that I don't like them or anything, but I just haven't gotten that extra vibe from them that makes you almost fall off your chair. I heard this song first yesterday however, and I really love it. I think I must've heard it before sometime because it seems so familiar, but now I know a new song to play as soon as I get my voice back. Success!

Enjoy the vid - these kids are so cute!

Rocky Racoon - The Beatles


Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Potter - the best "cure" for a fever in my generation.

What would I be without the films on a day like this. Having a fever let me rewatch the two first movies yesterday. Guess what I'm about to do today? Don't get me wrong - this headache is killing me, and I'm literally trying all kinds of pills to get it to stop, but watching a childhood classic is really comforting!